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For centuries, the ling fish has been a symbol of good luck, prosperity, and power in Celtic culture.

Before applying for a dog, please take a moment to review our Adoption Information & Procedures


Some of the dogs in our program are adopted before we get to know them. Some stay longer but require several weeks to show their character. Some dogs receive additional evaluations and training by professionals if needed.

We work hard to provide as much information as possible, but the process is not perfect. Our goal is to give the dogs the best chance to stay in their home for the rest of their lives so we are genuine regarding what we know about them. For MPR, quality of our placements takes precedence over a quick turnaround.

We do our very best to update the dogs' bios as quickly as we can. In some cases, dogs are adopted before we are able to revise their listing. 


Please do not contact MPR via email or messenger to inquire about a dog’s personality and/or temperament, compatibility with other pets, etc. The volunteers in charge of replying to general requests are not the same as those handling and evaluating the dogs. They will not be able to answer your questions.

Missouri Pit Bull Rescue makes no express or implied warranty, representation or promise to the age, health, breed, habits, disposition, behaviors, obedience, or safety of the dogs in our program. Our assessments are subjective and based on information we receive when selecting the dogs for our program, as well as observations and reports from our volunteers and caretakers. ​Adopters understand that no one can predict how a dog will act or react under all circumstances and situations.

Background Info:


Before joining the MPR program, Ling was brought into the city shelter by animal control after being found as a stray. We have no information regarding her past and upbringing. We do know that she was in bad shape when found and appears to have had a rough life. This sweet heart is now soaking up the good life in foster care like water in the desert. 

Adoption Fee: $150 
Breed: Pit Bull mix
Sex: Female
Age: 2-4 yrs
Weight: 50-60 lbs

Health Condition:

Ling was underweight, experiencing hair loss, and had entropion in both eyes when she was brought in by animal control. After some a much needed eye surgery, skin treatment and lots of TLC, she is now healthy and ready for adoption!

Physical Description:  

Ling is a petite girl with the most beautiful red and white coat. Her soulful eyes are striking, and complement her sweet face perfectly! She also has one of those adorable pittie smiles that takes up her whole face!  We can't stress enough how adorable her smile is in person. This is not something we can capture via pictures. You have to meet her in person and you will immediately be smitten by the most charming and loving grin youll ever seen in a dog. Guarantied!


Current Living Situation:  

Ling is fostered in a home with adults, older children, and multiple furry foster siblings. There are three dogs in the home as well as a rabbit. Ling is mostly kept separate from the other animals in the home, but slow introductions are in progress. She enjoys the big backyard at her foster home, and respects the 6-foot privacy fence enclosing the yard. Ling also loves to get her walks in! Overall she does well on the leash! She does pull occasionally but foster mom is working to correct. 

Ling is crate trained and stays in her kennel when home alone. She does best in a plastic kennel as opposed to a wire one. Ling loves to snuggle up in bed at night!



Ling is a happy and smiley girl who loves to be near her people! She a total goofball and loves to roll over and get her belly rubbed. Foster mom says she has a medium energy level and a well-balanced personality. She loves cuddling as much as playing! 

Behavior with people: 

Ling is outgoing and friendly with everyone she meets and very flirty! She can sometimes get over excited when meeting new people but not out of control. She just loves people and is eager to bond. She's working on greeting people all four paws on the ground and is responsive. Her greeting grin is simply out of this world and makes everyone fall in love with her at first sight. 


Behavior with children:  

Ling has been great with the teenagers in her foster home! She has not been exposed to young children, so her behavior with littles is unknown at this time.


Behavior with other dogs:  

Ling was very social with other dogs in play groups while at the city shelter. Her play can be rough and rowdy but she did not show signs of inappropriate aggression in that environment. With proper introductions, Ling may be able to live with a compatible dog in her forever home with proper leadership and supervision and owners who understand the breed well. She would also do well as an only pet as she is such a people-dog. 


Behavior with other animals:  

Her behavior with other animals is unknown.


Ling is eager to please her humans! She is crate trained and appears to be housebroken.

Best Attribute:

Ling's best attribute is absolutely this amazing smile she does when greeting loved-ones and strangers alike. She is so eager to be accepted and does everything in her power to show her desire to become friends. Her greetings are very touching and her sweet and loving personality quickly shine though. She is a great dog who is full of personality and has so much love to give! 

Even if you can’t adopt this sweetheart, you can still help by donating for their care.

Information updated on 11/30/2023

This dog needs a Bully Hero - Click here to help this sweetheart!
Can't adopt but want to help? Every dollar makes a difference!
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