Before applying for a dog, please take a moment to review our Adoption Information & Procedures
Some of the dogs in our program are adopted before we get to know them. Some stay longer but require several weeks to show their character. Some dogs receive additional evaluations and training by professionals if needed.
We work hard to provide as much information as possible, but the process is not perfect. Our goal is to give the dogs the best chance to stay in their home for the rest of their lives so we are genuine regarding what we know about them. For MPR, quality of our placements takes precedence over a quick turnaround.
We do our very best to update the dogs' bios as quickly as we can. In some cases, dogs are adopted before we are able to revise their listing.
Please do not contact MPR via email or messenger to inquire about a dog’s personality and/or temperament, compatibility with other pets, etc. The volunteers in charge of replying to general requests are not the same as those handling and evaluating the dogs. They will not be able to answer your questions.
Missouri Pit Bull Rescue makes no express or implied warranty, representation or promise to the age, health, breed, habits, disposition, behaviors, obedience, or safety of the dogs in our program. Our assessments are subjective and based on information we receive when selecting the dogs for our program, as well as observations and reports from our volunteers and caretakers. Adopters understand that no one can predict how a dog will act or react under all circumstances and situations.
Background Info:
Maalu and Koe came to MPR as puppies, and we unfortunately do not have much information about their time prior to MPR.
Adoption Fee: $400
Breed: Pit Bull mix
Sex: Female, Male
Age: 5+ mths
Weight: Growing
Health Condition:
Info coming soon.
Physical Description:
Info coming soon
Current Living Situation:
Info coming soon
Unknown or info coming soon
Behavior with people:
Unknown or info coming soon
Behavior with children:
Unknown or info coming soon
Behavior with other dogs:
Unknown or info coming soon
Behavior with other animals:
Unknown or info coming soon
Unknown or info coming soon
Best Attribute:
Unknown or info coming soon
Health Condition:
Koe is a growing healthy boy. However not without his battles. While looking for a foster home, Koe and his sister were diagnosed with Parvo, something we are seeing with too many of our incoming pups. Thankfully, with a great team to take care of him and his sister, they pulled through. On a positive note, Koe now has the antibodies so there will never be a parvo scare again. He’s a healthy eater and growing big and strong in his foster home. He is currently up-to-date on necessary vaccinations. He is ready to be adopted into his forever home!
Physical Description:
Koe’s body is elegantly long. His paws, while a little large and clumsy right now, may suggest a potential for growth into a graceful and lanky doggo. His rather long tail is a delightful feature that seems to have a mind of its own, wagging vigorously in a heartwarming display of pure joy and excitement, particularly when he's being praised for his good behavior. His freckled fur feels like velvet and is just the perfect touch for such a snuggly boy.
Current Living Situation:
Koe is being fostered in a home with two adults, and multiple furry foster siblings: three Pit Bull mixes and a cat. He has access to a small fenced in backyard with a 6-foot privacy fence. Foster mom and dad let everyone out when they want to play or need to potty. Koe sleeps in a kennel with all his cozy blankets and near his foster siblings. When no one is home, he stays safely tucked away in his kennel.
Koe's foster parents somtimes refer to him as "Dilburt" since he has a silly and outgoing personality. He is the kindest boy, eager not only to please his foster parents but also his foster fur siblings! His favorite past time is taking naps, especially on top of his foster siblings or mom and dad. He has a very lackadaisical nature. He is so laid back, nothing truly bothers this guy! His foster kitty cat is being feisty? Koe just watches and lets him be! He rarely barks as we have only heard him bark a handful of times. When he does get his moments of energy and playfulness, he is full force running with everyone in the backyard. He does well with our female Pit Bulls as he is very submissive. Koe is a perfect, well-mannered couch potato.
Behavior with people:
Koe loves people! He just wants to go straight snuggle mode with everyone he meets.
Behavior with children:
Koe has not been around any children in his foster home. Due to his laid back nature, it is possible that he could live in a home with older children.
Behavior with other dogs:
Koe has been doing well interacting with the other dogs in his foster home. He has been polite and understands and respects that other dogs have boundaries. With slow and proper introductions, we believe it is possible for Koe to live with a compatible female in his forever home.
Behavior with other animals:
Koe has been living and with a cat in his foster home. While he has been getting along with his feline foster sibling, we can not guarantee his behavior with other cats or other small animals in the future.
Koe is working on simple commands. He does well coming to you and sitting. He is crate trained and sometimes doesn’t want to be away from mom and dad but he calms down within seconds and goes to sleep. He is very eager to please and wants everyone happy! He will benefit from continued training in his forever home.
Best Attribute:
Koe's foster parents say that he is the most well-mannered and sweetest puppy they have ever met. He has so much love to give and just wants to be loved and held!
Even if you can’t adopt this sweetheart, you can still help by donating for their care.
Information updated on 12/22/2024 KO
Can't adopt but want to help? Every dollar makes a difference!